I’m exhibiting at Exeter craft festival 3,4,5th July 2025, over 100 craft stalls on the cathedral green.

Caring for your jewellery

I recommend following these guidelines to keep your jewellery in the best possible condition.


Firstly, avoid damaging your jewellery by removing it when undertaking manual work and using hot tubs and swimming pools as this can cause rapid tarnishing. Precious metals can also tarnish when left for long periods exposed air and light this can be avoided by careful storage in individual airtight containers.


Clean with a soft bristle toothbrush dipped in a solution of water and liquid soap. Brush gently to remove any buildup of dirt and grease. Dry and polish with a silver cloth (Haggerty and Selvyt are reliable brands).

Harder stones such as diamonds, sapphires and rubies are less inclined to scratch and can be cleaned regularly. Totally, topaz and citrine soft should be cleaned occasionally using the same process of liquid soap and water.

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